First thing in Tahoe, we decided to go on a hike -- an uphill ramble that ended at Lower Echo Lake.

Ok, the similies suck. But you get it. They was purdy.
The trail led closer and closer to a cabin, until I called to Mr. A, "Looks cute! Want to check it out!?"
We skipped off the trail and ran down. I looked in through a window. Signs of human activity. Then we wrapped around the the front, getting ready to take a few pictures of the view from the deck --
Only to see two men standing there. Staring at us. Not exactly happy.
"Hi," I said.
"Can I help you?"
"Hi, yes!" Think quick. "We were just on a hike and noticed your beautiful cabin. And we were wondering..." Quick... "Do you know how someone would go about renting one?"
"Oh," one of the men replied, loosening up. "You can ask at the lodge."
"So they're privately owned, or are they run by the Forest Service?"
"About half are private and half are federal."
"Really? Ok. Thanks. Are you the owner?"
"I am. I grew up in this cabin. It belonged to my parents."
"Wow," I replied. "So you know the mountain really well."
"Well, I moved away a few years ago, and just come back in the summers. But I know it. There are easy parts and harder parts. It all depends on how familiar you are."

Mr. A asked about the skis.
"They're from World War One," the man replied.
I asked for a few more details -- what it's like in the winter, if the cabins have plumbing and electricity, and he patiently answered everything, then encouraged us to come back.
In no time, were were on our way.
Didn't push it. Didn't try to score a tour of the inside or invite him on a hike. Chatting with this Echo Lake native was prize enough.
Gained: Exchanged a few words with a modern mountain man.