You know, he continued, pay a few hundred bucks and meet the singer, hang out backstage or at the reception beforehand, enjoy all you can eat sushi.
I explained that I don't enjoy sushi and have consequently abstained from such VIP experiences.
Ok, not really. More like I don't have $500 to shell out for any tickets save the aerial kind.
As we said bye, I promised I'd ask around. Help a friend and complete today's Asker task? Ideal.
So I texted a few friends:
"have you ever bought VIP tix to a concert? Ie the whole package--great seats, food, meet the singer, etc? x, rox"
And the answers came beeping back:
"um, no..... why?"
"No..Is it amazing?"
"No never meet the singer, how does that work? What concert are u considering?"
What about you? Have you? Want to be featured in an article? If so, drop me a line and I'll put you in touch with him!
Gained: Nothing yet... Still trying!