Rabbit, Rabbit!
My third grade teacher, the magnificent Kitty McDaniels, who was and still is the best teacher a kid could have, taught us that if we say "Rabbit Rabbit!" the first thing in the morning on the first day of the month, it will be a lucky month.
I leave you with that, gentle reader, and wishes for a good September.
Meanwhile, it's time to start wrapping up this dissertation chapter and figure out what I'll ask for today.
UPDATE: I asked for lunch or coffee, with a New Yorker reporter!
Almost a year ago, I met him at a wedding. Since I'll be in New York later this month, and pass through every few months, I figured I could at least try to set up an informal chat with him. Not that I have the faintest hope The New Yorker would ever sneeze in my direction, but one can dream. Anyway, it would be cool to learn about how things work at that magazine, and a little about his reporting process. I'm sure many men wouldn't be shy about networking, even if they went about it in a different way. Here's what I wrote (with minor edits to protect people's identities -- and a word on that. Some readers know who I am, but I'd like to stay generally anonymous if possible, simply because if people know my interactions with them are being publicized, they might change their behavior.) (Also, last I heard, he isn't reading this blog):
You may not remember me, but we sat next to each other at V and J's dress rehearsal dinner. We talked about the story you were researching, and (of course) {our days at college}.Gained: Insights, info, and interesting conversation... I hope!
At the risk of seeming completely brazen, I was wondering if you'd be available for coffee or lunch sometime. I'm about to finish grad school, {deleted}, and now I'm considering my options in the writing world. I'm not presumptuous enough to think I could land a job with The New Yorker, but I remember you mentioned that you started there as a fact checker. I admit I'm curious what it's like to do that kind of reporting, and how someone could end up interning or helping with research.
I don't know what I could offer in exchange for your time, except for lunch, translations to or from Italian, advice about surviving in the Peruvian jungle, and my gratitude. Please don't think twice about saying no if you're busy.
Thanks, and best wishes,
La Roxy