Standing in line at (you got it) a cafe, I reached for my cell phone to make a call and noticed the keypad was locked. This could only mean one thing.

"Hey, could you not lock my phone?" I asked.
"I'm asking."
"I'm refusing."
"Please. It's really annoying when I have to unlock it. I don't change your phone's settings."
"Locking it is not a setting."
"Yes it is."
"Not blocking your cell phone is not a mental priority for me."
"I won't lend you my phone anymore."
"Fine. Next time I forget my phone we'll turn around and get it. Even if we're an hour away."
"Not if I'm driving."
"I'm not OCD."
Gained: A racing heartbeat and flushed cheeks, but not for the reasons I wish.
PS: A few moments before this exchange, the customer before me asked the barista, "Is your medium here a large or a small?" Crazy, crazy times.