I went out to dinner Saturday with my aunt. We ended up at a pizzeria in her neighborhood.
At the end of the night, we wanted to use a coupon, but there was one problem: on the back, there was a coupon for a different restaurant she liked.
"Don't worry, I'm sure she will figure something out," I reassured her about the waitress.
When our bill came, I explained our dilemma and wondered if there was any way she could use one side, or make a copy, or something, to keep the back intact.
"I'm not sure, but I'll ask."
Love it when people say that!!!!
She returned with their coupon blacked out, and the back in perfect shape.
Gained: A free entree or 20 percent off of my aunt's next dinner on the town.
Lost: Nothing.
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February 22, 2011
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