I'm so behind!! On posts, on emails, on sending those pictures I promised (lo siento, amigos), and writing those thank you notes and sending someone congratulatory flowers. On everything but sleep, actually.
What gave me the idea that life after grad school would be simpler? That I'd have time to bake bread!?
I did make time, a few days ago, to do a little housekeeping on this blog. I added a stream of news on the right sidebar, with links to the latest articles and external blog posts about asking and negotiation. That way, if I'm slow to update (GULP) at least there is always fresh quality content on this blog. Here's a great piece the news stream bubbled forth about 6 things you should always negotiate (and how).
Second, I added a list of books, on the left. I get a small cut from Amazon if you buy them, and I decided to put them front and center because while I'm not doing this for the money, having a steady revenue stream from ads would make it easier to justify blogging here, versus doing activities that actually pay my bills.
So if you get any value or pleasure from reading The Daily Asker -- and if you happen to want to buy Women Don't Ask or the ABC's of Conflict Resolution or any books about freelancing or salary negotiations -- then shopping from the sidebar or from here will help you put some pep to my step. Likewise, if you happen to put a book in your cart, and the stay signed in while shopping for other products (whether or not you remove that book from your cart), that would also produce a small cut for yours truly, at no cost to you. Just asking. ;)
And to those who have bought books through my Amazon store so far, THANK YOU! I truly appreciate it.
Also on the housekeeping front: I have a treat planned for early next week: an Expert Q & A with someone really cool. Someone I admire. That's all I'm saying. Meanwhile, I'm hoping to get in a post or two about wedding planning negotiations, write something soon for the Forbes "She Negotiates" blog, and update you on a few less financial/career oriented askings.
What about you? What's new with you, how are your blogs and projects and writings and ambitions and askings coming along?
Image source: ifood.tv