Today's asking occurred shortly after dawn. What an easy day this will be, with my daily asking completed before I've even had time to check my morning emails!
I woke up, as I mentioned in the last post, on the couch, after falling asleep in a taquito-induced torpor. Last night I went to dinner with A&K at Casa de la Rosas, a mexican place in Old Town. I don't know what they stuffed their taquitos with, but within half an hour of finishing dinner my eyes were droopy. We went for a walk, followed by chocolate-mint tea at Extraordinary Desserts, and as we discussed marzipan and the pursuit of happiness, I rested my head on the stucco wall and started imagining it was a soft, downy pillow.
After dragging myself to shelter, I collapsed on the couch and woke up with a start. Seven hours later.
I was refreshed. But hungry.
"Want to get breakfast?" I asked Mr. A, who was getting ready for work. (No, that wasn't my asking. That was just a question.)
He immediately got a slightly wild look in his eyes, a look that says one thing alone: Denny's!!

"Would you mind coming back later, or can we drop the receipt off at the register?" I asked.
"Sure, I'll be back in a little." I hope it wasn't rude, and I'm sure she was in a hurry and probably didn't really care about the tip itself. But it felt like she was rushing him.
Gained: Comfort to multiply in peace, for a guy who's a much more generous tipper than I am (but didn't you already know that?)