July 02, 2008

Two for one?

July 1: Day 1.

Here it is, my first asking.

Site: Lestat's Coffee House.

Time: 9:42 p.m.

The comedy show was starting at 9:30. I got the call from a friend -- "Want to come to a comedy show?" -- just after 9:15, so I hustled out the door and got there as fast as I could.

By then, all the seats were taken. The opening act was underway. The audience was crowding the aisles, spilling out of the performance area and almost into the sidewalk, so Mr. A and I had to push our way to the counter to ask for tickets.

The guy working the entry mumbled something about $3, but it was impossible to hear over all the noise.

I gave it a shot. "There's no room to sit. Could we get in two for one?"

"What?" he yelled back.

"Three?" I asked, my finger wagging between both of us like a windshield wiper. "For both?"

"I said, it's free!" he repeated.

Was that a smirk?

Gained: Nothing.

1 comment:

  1. La Roxy,

    here is one thing I would like to get in return to my asking: an awesome cell phone contract for my money. I recently went to a phone company to sign up for a monthly service. I was to the point, fast and ready to lay down my cash. When I stepped up to the register, however, like an unwanted rabbit out of a hat, came the fees. I asked for the fees to be waived, after all I was doing them a favor switching carriers, signing a year's contract, depositing my hard-earned money into their account. Sorry 'mam, can't do that. So I walked out. Frustrated above all that I paid for 2 T rides for this response.

    This past weekend, though, I attended a hacker convention in New York City. Enlightening! These people, despite common misconceptions and social stigmata, are insanely cool social heroes. My favorite talk, by TProphet, detailed the adventures of teenage phreaks at the expense often of sleazy long distance phone companies. These kids found bugs in their systems and used them to pull pranks at the idiots who built them. E.g. calling OCI 15 times a day and proposing ridiculous theories to the operators because the operators are not allowed to hang up without a supervisor's approval. Best part: they made these phone calls on someone else's dime.

    I'm telling you: you would LOVE these people. Think about that...



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