June 16, 2010

Commencement magic?

Commencement tickets are notoriously hard to come by, and Monday morning, a few days from the big event, I was still short a few. Every student gets two, so my parents were definitely in, but what about La Sorella and Mr. A? I checked with my advisor and tried the alumni office, but no go.

In a last ditch effort, I sent an email to my department's logistical guru, Wanda.
Hi Wanda!
Greetings feom Maryland/Washington DC, where I came to decompress now that I'm done!
I saw [Advisor], who gave me a tip on getting commencement tickets, since I
was unsuccessful with the alumni office. She said that sometimes professors have
extras. Do you think you could ask around, or send an email to the faculty, to
see if anyone has 1 extra ticket?
[Redacted.] If not no tragedy, but maybe last minute miracles do happen? :)
Thanks, and take care! See you soon!
La Roxy
The next day she answered:
I have one extra ticket for the commencement ceremony. I will set it in your mailbox here for you to pick-up.
Tuesday afternoon, I spotted a friend on Facebook saying he "has tix for the morning exercises to give away. Will have them tomorrow."

I quickly replied, "Could I claim one from you, if you still have it?"

Six hours later, he answered that the extra ticket was mine.

So Mom, Dad, Sis and Sweetheart all got to fit at the ceremony, and the rest of my family who generously made the trek to celebrate this moment with me watched from large screens nearby. It was a magical, wonderful, and unspeakably happy day. One I will never forget.

Thanks to all for coming, and thanks to Wanda, Professor Thornber and Nathan for helping my family fit. Thanks also to Beth for offering her robe so I wouldn't have to rent or buy one -- and I didn't even have to ask! And to Nicole and Brandon, for being the hosts with da most. And to everyone else who made that day so special.

With affection and gratitude,

La Roxy

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