February 04, 2010

Attention Daily Asker Readers: Free resume edit

Dear Carolyn, Callie, and anyone else who's interested,

If you're looking for a job and you have a resume and cover letter you're grappling with, send them my way. I'll be happy to edit them.

That's the offer I extended to the people of Craigslist, and there's no reason I wouldn't do the same for my amazing readers!!

Email your materials to thedailyasker [at] gmail and include this:

1. a very brief overview of the position you're aiming for
2. if applicable, any issues/concerns you have with your current resume/letter
3. a phone number where I can reach you (feel free to mask your address, but phone is useful if I have questions and better than email for these kinds of things)

Everything you give me is confidential. I will never use your materials, emails or name to promote my resume editing services, as a sample, as a blog post, whatever.

So what are you waiting for!?

Send them in!

[unrelated awesome image of tyroleans gettin jiggy, via ffffound]
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