January 12, 2010

New 'do

I feel like I just lopped off 12 inches of hair.

My site has had the same look since July 2008, and it's definitely time for a makeover.

The eventual plan is to migrate to my own domain, dailyasker.com, but that will have to wait until after I finish grad school (which is just around the corner).

In the meantime, this is what I came up with tonight.

What do you think???

Do you miss the raspberries or the green? Do you like the sleeker look? Or is it just blah? Are there any features you'd like to see included on this page (e.g. links to resources or book recommendations, some more interactive components, a Q and A page, more info about yours truly, more dialogue with facebook or twitter?)

Most importantly, does it make you want to read what I've written, leave comments and come back for more?

All reactions welcomed. I beseech you, gentle reader, to share your opinion below.


La Roxy
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