December 01, 2008

Stop locking my phone?

December 1. Day 154.

Standing in line at (you got it) a cafe, I reached for my cell phone to make a call and noticed the keypad was locked. This could only mean one thing.

Mr. A was glancing the menu on the wall in front of us, looking forward to an iced coffee, or maybe a smoothie. Blissful. Still.

"Hey, could you not lock my phone?" I asked.


"I'm asking."

"I'm refusing."

"Please. It's really annoying when I have to unlock it. I don't change your phone's settings."

"Locking it is not a setting."

"Yes it is."

"Not blocking your cell phone is not a mental priority for me."

"I won't lend you my phone anymore."

"Fine. Next time I forget my phone we'll turn around and get it. Even if we're an hour away."

"Not if I'm driving."


"I'm not OCD."


Gained: A racing heartbeat and flushed cheeks, but not for the reasons I wish.

PS: A few moments before this exchange, the customer before me asked the barista, "Is your medium here a large or a small?" Crazy, crazy times.


  1. Hm. That would raise my hackles, too. Sorry, Mr. A, I'm on her side!

    OCD, my ass.

  2. Shouldn't your happiness be one of his mental priorities? Especially when it's something so simple, and when you're doing him a FAVOR by lending him your phone in the first place? Low, low marks, Mr. A.


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